
We all lie to ourselves in one way or another, call yourself out, I dare you.

From the “social smoker”  who smokes seven days a week, to the conscious and unconscious thoughts hidden in the very depths of our psychological foundations.

It takes a brave person to even start to look at these….some just stay in denial or are too far gone.
Don’t let the ego take Over

Thankfully one of those songs that wrote itself in one afternoon, albeit 5 years ago. The hard yards but real fun came from playing with all the counter melodies and building the bladdy lovely soundscape you hear today.

It’s always hard to know when a song needs more tinkering or to just release and move on but this one just felt different. I felt at times I should move on with some earlier versions but I realise now that I needed to grow as a musician (and human) to truly know and be content with when it, and I was ready.

Huge respect to all the amazing friends/mentors/musicians who have had hand guiding this with me over the years. I feel so grateful for your input and the lessons learnt along the way.
It was a track that always got a great reaction and brought some magic from everyone who performed on the track.

Written by Axon Bower
Produced, @nics_on_sound Axon Bower, @benjamino.music
Mixed: Benjamino
Mastered: @l0bbcity

Vocals/Guitar: Axon Bower
Drums Kieran Parker.
Bass: Edd Le Feuvre
Keys: Charlie Mauleverer
Recorded @drop.pelganger

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